This is Allie in the morning. First thing she wants to do when she wakes up is watch some of her favorite shows. These include The Wonder Pets, Go Diego Go, and sometimes Backyardigans or Max and Ruby.
She also often asks to watch "horses" which currently means the 5 second scene in Pocahontas with deer, because I haven't gotten her a horse movie...still deciding which one to get. She LOVES horses. :) It is kind of an obsession.
Allie's favorite things to do lately are play with her horses (she makes them talk to each other and everything,) play with her kitchen stuff, play with her puppies and kitties, and do puzzles. Lately Allie has been finding a dad, mom, and baby in everything...including her food. For example, Long green bean=Dad, Medium green bean=Mom, and Short green bean=baby.
Allie especially loves to be outside. She will even run errands with me willingly since it includes getting outside. When we run errands she always asks "dad?" in hopes that we will go see Trey at work.
Allie loves her daddy. She runs to the door and yells "daddy home!" when he gets home from work or school. She always wants Dad when she is scared (i.e of the vacuum-which is a new thing since she never used to be scared of it) or when she gets hurt. She is a very cuddly girl and will often come to me and Trey just to get hugs and cuddle.
Allie is starting to put words together and always surprises us with what she knows. Her favorites sentences are "There it is!" and "I don't know."
Her favorite words are horses, hi, mom, dad, and baby.
When she wakes up from her nap she often comes to find me and says "Hey Mom!" It makes me laugh.
She is such a sweetheart and we feel so lucky to be her parents!
She seems to be growing up... her little face is changing... very darling!
So cute! Love these pictures of her.
Spirit is a great horse movie! Mallori is really into horses and dogs right now. Your daughter is a doll!
She is a cutie patootie!
Allison @ http://www.houseofhepworths.com/
What a cutie!! They grow up fast, so ENJOY!!!
Wow Allie's hair is getting so long! What a sweet girl. Can't wait to see your valences! :)
Thanks for sharing! She is such a cute girl. I love how she finds a family in everything. That is adorable!!
I miss my little sweetie! She is growing up too too fast. :(
Aw! This is so sweet! :)
Just Better Together
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