I came across these images on Dustjacket Attic and started craving summer. Summer clothes and summer walks and summer dates...I bought these gladiator-type sandals (in black) with some of my Christmas money.

I think I was hoping that summer would come faster if I did...I'm not really seeing the logic in that thought now...

Please come soon Spring, and bring your friend Summer.
PS. Any ideas on how to convince my husband to wear something like this?
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Ha Ha, I like that look too but good luck on convincing your husband!! :)
Those sandals remind me...how did you do on shopping for your Christmas wish list? I am curious what kind of deals you got. :)
OK, here's your game plan. Just move to Spain. People in Europe, especially Spain, wear very hip clothes like this and look like they are being photographed for Banana Republic at all times. Not that I would know. I've never been to Spain. But I'm pretty sure I'm right :)
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