Mar 18, 2008
Mar 17, 2008
Baby Shower

Mar 16, 2008

Hanging out with Tad and Candice in December...snow day!

At the Jazz Game when our friends Heather and Matt got engaged in November.

Our 1 year anniversary...spent the night in the Marriott in Salt Lake, walked around the temple grounds and ate at Skybox for a Jazz playoff game.

Trey surprised me on our 6 month anniversary with a sweet little kitten. It was the best surprise! We named her Kitty after several months of not coming up with a name. I can't believe we actually have a name for our baby!
The next year we lived in Orem, UT in a cute condo. Trey started school at UVSC and worked as an electrician in Heber/Park City. I worked for Trey's dad as his dental assistant in Orem and loved it.
about me
Our "Happily Ever After"

We spent the summer in CA. Candice and I hung out in their apartment/the office everyday and Tad and Trey went selling. We had the cutest loft apartment and got to visit Grandma and Grandpa Jensen and the Westover's a lot. We also got to go to Lake Shasta, Santa Cruz, Six Flags, San Francisco, and got to spend time with my family too. We also got to go to Aubrey and Parker's wedding in August. These pics are at Santa Cruz and the Oakland temple.
about me

Our wedding was perfect...We got married April 20th, 2006. It was a gorgeous spring day at the Salt Lake temple. We had the temple grounds all to ourselves b/c of finals for BYU and UVSC (We weren't in school that semester.) We had an open house that night at Trey's parents house then stayed in Park City for 2 days and drove to Pleasanton, CA right after to start selling for the summer. The next weekend we flew to Seattle for our reception which was SO much fun!
about me