Allie loves being with the family. Tonight Trey and I got to go on a date and left her with Grandma & Grandpa and Jamie & Jeff. She did really well!
Dec 31, 2008
Allie loves being with the family. Tonight Trey and I got to go on a date and left her with Grandma & Grandpa and Jamie & Jeff. She did really well!
Nov 9, 2008
Well, I am really bad at updating my blog. I have decided I am more of a facebook person. So, if any of you want to see an updated picture of Allie you will just have to look at my facebook :) But, I will just post a quick update now...

Allie is getting so big! She is crawling now and has more and more personality every day. She makes funny faces and laughs and smiles a lot. She also gets fussy - I think she is teething right now. She is so fun even when she is a lot of work. Tad and Candice had their baby boy so we were pretty excited about that. We've been helping them try to get their remodel done on their house before he came. They were literally working until the second they left to the hospital and still have a lot to do. We are so excited for them though. Trey had fun on Halloween - his favorite holiday-carving a Jacksonville Jaguar pumpkin. It looked pretty good. Now I am getting REALLY excited for my favorite holiday - Christmas!!!! It will be even more un with Allie too!
about me
Jun 13, 2008
Jun 5, 2008

This is a couple hours after. Trey went with the nurse to give Allie a bath and they moved me to recovery. He brought her in with a yellow and white bow on her head and she looked soooo cute! She looked a lot different just an hour after her birth! Tad and Candice took this pic - they were our first official visitors!

I am finally posting after having Allie. This was the first time I got to hold my baby girl! It was probably the most awesome experience of my life! I was induced early b/c Allie was not growing anymore. They induced me at 2pm Tuesday and Allie came into the world at 4:25 am Wednesday morning. She was only 5lbs. 10oz. It was just amazing and it was so fun having mom stay with me the week after too. I actually really miss it!
Apr 7, 2008
Apr 5, 2008
Seattle for Conference Weekend

Trey and I came up here to Seattle for Conference weekend...its the last week I can travel. We have been just relaxing with Mom, Dad, and Mel. We went to Coulon Park Friday and today (Saturday) Trey and Dad went golfing and us girls went shopping. We are celebrating Trey's birthday tonight (we are surprising him) Tomorrow we are having Conference breakfast with the Dedominicos and we leave Monday morning. This pic is me and Trey at Coulon.
Apr 2, 2008
I was bored so I did Candice's little quiz from her blog:
How long have you been together? married- 2 years April 20th...together 3 years this June
How long did you date? about 10 months
How old is he? 26
Who eats more? I think I do but its pretty close either way
Who said I Love You First? He did
Who is taller? He is...he's 6'1" I'm almost 5'6"
Who sings better? I think he does :)
Who is smarter? I swear he knows something about everything...
Who does the laundry? I do if I'm home alone but we do it together if we are both home
Who does the dishes? mostly me :)
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does
Who pays the bills? We take turns, but he does most of them
Who mows the lawn? We haven't had a lawn to mow yet...
Who cooks dinner? I do once in a blue moon and he has a couple times for me. We aren't very good at actually cooking a dinner...
Who is more stubborn? I say him but he would probably say me - we are both oldest children
Who kissed who first? He did...and only on our first "group outing"
Who asked who out? I asked him out to that first group thing
Who proposed? Trey
Who is more sensitive? Me
Who has more friends? probably him...I am bad at keeping in touch with my friends!
Who has more siblings? We have the same but I am getting another brother-in-law so in a way I kinda have more...but not really
How long have you been together? married- 2 years April 20th...together 3 years this June
How long did you date? about 10 months
How old is he? 26
Who eats more? I think I do but its pretty close either way
Who said I Love You First? He did
Who is taller? He is...he's 6'1" I'm almost 5'6"
Who sings better? I think he does :)
Who is smarter? I swear he knows something about everything...
Who does the laundry? I do if I'm home alone but we do it together if we are both home
Who does the dishes? mostly me :)
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does
Who pays the bills? We take turns, but he does most of them
Who mows the lawn? We haven't had a lawn to mow yet...
Who cooks dinner? I do once in a blue moon and he has a couple times for me. We aren't very good at actually cooking a dinner...
Who is more stubborn? I say him but he would probably say me - we are both oldest children
Who kissed who first? He did...and only on our first "group outing"
Who asked who out? I asked him out to that first group thing
Who proposed? Trey
Who is more sensitive? Me
Who has more friends? probably him...I am bad at keeping in touch with my friends!
Who has more siblings? We have the same but I am getting another brother-in-law so in a way I kinda have more...but not really
about me
Mar 18, 2008
Mar 17, 2008
Baby Shower

Mar 16, 2008

Hanging out with Tad and Candice in December...snow day!

At the Jazz Game when our friends Heather and Matt got engaged in November.