Allie is getting so big! She is crawling now and has more and more personality every day. She makes funny faces and laughs and smiles a lot. She also gets fussy - I think she is teething right now. She is so fun even when she is a lot of work. Tad and Candice had their baby boy so we were pretty excited about that. We've been helping them try to get their remodel done on their house before he came. They were literally working until the second they left to the hospital and still have a lot to do. We are so excited for them though. Trey had fun on Halloween - his favorite holiday-carving a Jacksonville Jaguar pumpkin. It looked pretty good. Now I am getting REALLY excited for my favorite holiday - Christmas!!!! It will be even more un with Allie too!
Nov 9, 2008
Well, I am really bad at updating my blog. I have decided I am more of a facebook person. So, if any of you want to see an updated picture of Allie you will just have to look at my facebook :) But, I will just post a quick update now...
about me