Apr 5, 2010

Sewing Project #2 - Grocery Bag Holder

This was a LOT easier than I thought it would be!  Maybe because I didn't use pins and didn't follow any kind of pattern...don't look too closely at it :)  I posted about this weeks ago here...I finished it two days later and just haven't been able to find the pictures I took!  I store my pictures in 4 different places...I probably need a better system.

I didn't have an elastic, so I used some out of the waist on some of Allie's old stained pants.

I sewed a slit for the elastic at the shorter end of the fabric.

Once I got the elastic separated from her old pants, I attached a safety pin to help guide it through the slit.

I sewed the elastic at one end before I got it through all the way.  Then I sewed up the long side of the fabric (front sides together.)

I finished the other short end of the fabric (no slit needed) and attached a piece of vintage lace at the same end to hang the bag holder from.

Notice how the bag is lopsided...I had to cram it full...I probably should have made a bigger bag.

Yes, I used the wrong color thread...because I didn't want to have to go out and buy any...I am SO cheap!

I use this in Allie's room, since the bags are for her diapers...We finally got her bed frame this weekend so pictures of her room will be coming soon!

I hope this helps at least one person!  I am posting this tutorial here.
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bj said...

I love this bag. I made several some like them several years ago for daughter, friend and myself. I use it all the time. Now you have inspired me to make some new ones..

Kristine at The Painted Hive said...

That is adorable. I heart the soft old-fashioned ticking stripe.

Mom2fur said...

Very cute! I use the 'wrong' color thread a lot, too. I think the contrast on your grocery bag holder looks nice--so don't say you used the 'wrong' thread. Say you were making a creative statement, LOL!

CC said...

I love it..you did a fantastic job, it's just as sweet as can be,and I love that you used lace as the hanger.
I've needed one to stupp all those grocery bags in for a long time now..I need to get off the computer and get back to crafting, Hope mine turns out as pretty as tours..

Danielle said...

I have been meaning to make one of these! I usually take the grocery bags back to the store and stick them in the recylcing box, but we use them to pick up puppy droppings now. Those bags sure do take up a lot of space if they aren't crammed into some other vessel.

Jax @ AlyandAsh said...

Looks great!

Kelsey said...

Super cute! I need to make one SO bad...the bags are spilling out from under the sink and annoying the heck out of me. I think I'm gonna copy you! :)

Hutchings Home said...

Cute! I totally need to make one of these.

emily anderson said...

so clever!! i love how you were super resourceful with the elastic from her pants...nice job!

Bab's Kitchen said...

what a great idea. Maybe you should sell some. I could sure use one.

Frugal Home Designs said...

That is so cute. I wish I had seen this on Friday. I just bought I cheap mesh one on Saturday. Bummer.

Unknown said...

I love this, super smart!!

Creations By Cindy said...

Super cute. My grandmother used to make something simular to hold her plastic bags she had from grocery store. Too cute! Be blessed. Cindy

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Thanks for sharing I could use c few of these all over the house.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

Melissa said...

Much prettier than store ones. I laugh - I use the wrong color thread all the time (as long as it doesn't clash) for the same reason (cheap or in my case sometimes lazy - I have a thing about winding bobbins - I don't like doing it).

Sawdust Girl said...

Visiting from a silly little sparrow. This is really cute and I need a couple of them. Thanks for the tut.

The Harkers said...

Cute! I'm excited to see the whole room!

Rockin Momma said...

I'm a new Tuesday Follower! Visit me at http://www.rockindeals4you.com/?p=1398 and sign up for my newest giveaway!

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

What a thrifty CUTE idea...looks GREAT! Hope you had a good time at my PAR-TAY:)


Misty @Creative Itch said...

What a great idea!! Thanks for linking @Creative Itch's "Sew Cute Tuesday"!!

beth kruse custom creations said...

very cute! i had one of these but it was really ugly so i had to keep it hidden.

Mayya @ My home and I said...

Great and simple tutorial and one that i need to make ASAP as my plastic bags are in need of some organizing LOL

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this bag. I also love that it seems simple enough to actually make. Thanks for the instructions. I can't wait to try one out for myself.

iheartsunnydays said...

Such a cute little bag! This is another project to add to my ever growing list now!! And the 'wrong' thread looks fine to me.

Vonlipi said...

It goes to show how a piece of fabric,some lace and an elastic combined with ingenuity can produce this nifty bag! Thanks for sharing :)

Fawnda@Fireflies and Jellybeans said...

Great job! I love the lace handle! Very cute! :)

LV said...

I use one of these daily. However, mine is not as pretty and fancy as yours.

Helena said...
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Rust: Vintage Inspired Design said...

Great project....thanks so much for sharing the great instructions! Happy vintage thursday!

Helena said...

I'm featuring this today over at Life in the Pitts. Thanks again for linking up!


My Little Notebook said...

This is absolutely beautiful! I love the fabric and lace!

Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden said...

I love the ticking fabric you used. I have an ugly bag under my sink, but yours is pretty enough to have out in plain sight!

Thanks for linking up to Make it Yours Day!

Unknown said...

I love this grocery bag holder. And I will be back on your blog, doubtless. I've already fallen in love with your great ideas. =)

Best wishes from Germany,

Tracey @ My House of Giggles said...

This is adorable!!! What a great idea! I need to make one of these.....my grocery bags are currently crammed into a drawer...not so pretty, trust me!

Thanks for linking up at my Tuesday Talent Show!

Come on over again tonight for another party :)

Tracey @ My House of Giggles said...

Just letting you know that I featured your project here :
