May 31, 2010

How to Curl Your Hair With a Straightener

I had a few requests to do a tutorial on how to curl your hair with a straightener.  I was thinking about how I could show you and I thought the best way would be with a video.  Please don't judge me from this one video...I really hate myself on video :)

Anyways, to start out, I shower at night to keep the damage to my hair as minimal as possible.  Also, because I hate to blow dry my hair...

I brush out my hair before starting and don't use any product at all.  These curls stay ALL DAY without any product.  I love it.

If you can't understand me in the video, I mentioned that I section my hair in 2, but if your hair is thicker you might want to do thirds.  This helps the process go faster.  It usually takes me about 10 minutes to do my hair.

Here is how to make the curls:

not sure what I'm doing with my eyes here...

Here is the video on Youtube in case it is slow

You will want to do the bottom section, then move onto the top.  You can start turning the straightener as close to your head as you like (creating curls closer to your head)

If you can't tell, the tighter curls will look more like this:

Don't like her but I love her style.

And the looser "beachy waves" will look more like this:

Love her.  Especially in "How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days."

Or like this, depending on your hair (and the day for me)

So that's it!  It is pretty easy once you get the hang of it.  Also, it helps a LOT if you have a hotter straightener.  You don't have to spend a lot of money either.  Try to find one that heats up to 395 degrees.
My straightener is from Costco.  It is the Conair Nano Silver and was only $30.  I LOVE it.  

It gets up to 395 degrees and that is plenty hot for my hair, although for really thick hair you might need one that gets up to 415 degrees (like the CHI's and other more expensive brands.)

I hope that some of you will try this and that it works good for you!  It really is the best thing I ever learned regarding my hair!

Just found this deal on a straightener set that looks really nice.

Thanks Jillee from Sweet Deals by Jillee!

I posted this HERE
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Anna White said...

hahaha...what a cute little demo...well done...I actually purchased a You Curl from Vidal Sassoon...but do you think I have any clue how to use it?
I think my hair is too thick...the curl ends up dropping after a short while..and so I go for the ...I can be bothered look ponytail these

P.S your a yummy mummy x

M.O.T.B said...

I actually learned something! Normally I curl towards me, I am going to try away from me! Thanks!

Katie said...

Great tutorial!! The girl that cuts my hair did this for me once, but I've never been able to figure it out myself. You make it look easy :)

Jax @ AlyandAsh said...

You're totally cute Jess!(Can I call you always just wants to come out!) The only problem I run into with this is that I have a Chi and there is no way I can touch the outside like you do to curl it. It gets way to hot! So maybe the cheaper Costco straightener is really the way to go!

Karena said...

Wow this is a wonderful tutorial! Thank you for sharing. One day soon I will have to put a video on my siite while creating a painting!

Art by Karena

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tutorial... My hair straightener broke down the other week and I'm now looking for a new one... I'll see if the Costco is available here in Germany...

Happy Monday!

Sarah @HarriganHowdy said...

Cool! I wondered how you did that when you mentioned it a little while back. :) Now I just have to grow my hair back out. ha!

GroverFamily said...

great demo thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Cute little demo! That was helpful. Thanks for sharing!

jamirodana said...

Thanks for the demo! I wish I could do that with my hair. First though, I need to grow it out. It is shorter and would probably look silly on me.
You are adorable, don't hate how you look on video:)
I think I will go to CostCo and get that straightener though, I need a new one badly.

jamirodana said...

PS-I can't stand Olivia(isn't that her name, from the City) but can't stop staring at how pretty she is and how everything looks great on her!

Em and Ms said...

I'm so glad you posted this! I was going to ask for instructions too. I'm a little hopeless when it comes to my hair, so I love new things I can try. Your hair always looks gorgeous when I've seen you.

april said...

You are the best Jessica! That video really did help! I am going to go try it right now! Thanks for all your help!

Crystal Spencer said...

YAY! I am excited to try it. Thanks!!

beth kruse custom creations said...

thanks! after i read your previous blog, i went and tried to figure out hoe to do it and couldn't so you read my mind! i'm sick of wearing a ponytail everyday, but love to be able to so i don't want to cut my hair.

Unknown said...

I am very impressed, I will have to try this out!

Yellow House said...

This is such a fun post! I love my straightner and might try curls tomorrow just for you!

SuzieQ said...

I love the video, I'm definitely going to try this, thank you!

Erin+Marc = Ethan&Aidan said...

THANK you! :)

Mama Lusco said...

Great video! Thanks for sharing :)

Melanie said...

LOL, I've been trying to explain this to my friends and my sisters for YEARS, they all think I'm Crazy! Thanks!

Amber D said...

This is too funny I was just trying to do this today. But I couldn't I forgot this was great and great timing.

Erica said...

I've wondered how to do this forever!! Thanks for sharing!

Emily {Frilly Details} said...

I've always wanted to try to use my flat iron to curl my hair and now I know how! Thanks :)

The Harkers said...

Oh this is perfect! Thanks so much for sharing. And you look great! :) Olivia is so awful!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Such a great how-to! Can't wait to try it!! :)

(I don't like Olivia either & I LOVE LOVE LOVE Kate) hehe


Melanie Beth said...

I like your tutorial! As a hairstylist, I'm always surprised at how many women don't even realize that this can be done! And the curls hold better than a standard curling iron. Just found your site, it's so cute!

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Thanks so much for posting this, now I get it. I'm alittle tired of my hair right now summers give me the frizzy's. I am going to try this NOW!
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

Jenny said...

I just found you from Tatertots and Jello. Great tutorial! You are adorable! I have to try this, I've been wanting to do something different with my hair. It's shorter though.

Anonymous said...

Loved this tutorial. I have short hair but I'm thinking of doing this just on the ends for something different :)Thanks for sharing.

Megan // Honey We're Home said...

Thanks so much for posting this!! I have been wondering forever how to get that perfect curl and I do have a flatiron so I'm going to be trying this pronto! I recently did a hair post too and also pictured Olivia's hair.

Jill GG said...

THIS IS GENIUS! I have tried this, but I do it wrong... I have also done it with my curing iron, but those curls are too tight. I like the looser ones. One question: My hair is more coarse, do you have a product you use to make your hair glide through the flat iron so well???

LOVE this video! Thanks!

Justine said...

Thanks for this!

Just Better Together

Inspired2cook said...

Can't wait to get a better flat iron and try your styling tips!

Nina said...

My hair still turns out all STRAIGHT (uh and usually creased) when I do this! Maybe my hair texture is just wrong to be curling with a flat iron. :(
However that was probably the easiest simplest tutorial I have seen so far (and none of the "hiiiii this is so-and-so hii i love y'all blablabla" that I can't stand.).

Jess said...

Sorry Jill, I don't. My hair is really fine and thin so that isn't a problem with mine, but I know they make TONS of serums that help with that. Good luck!

Jess said...

It is hard to get at first, but if you keep practicing you will get it Nina! And too funny about the other videos- I know exactly what you mean hahaha!

Unknown said...

I've been trying to figure this out for ages now! It was so frustrating but after a long time of searching I found your video. Instant results! Thank you so much!

Unknown said...

I love to try this out!

BTW, do you accept for guest posting?
Check out my page: Natural hair regrowth supplement

Unknown said...
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