Apr 20, 2010

4 Years!

Today is me and my husband's 4th anniversary!  Yay for us! :)

Just a few of my favorite pics of us:


This is so funny, because Anna from Lona de Anna has tagged me in a blogging game...This game is called Photo #6. I am required to go back to the 6th photo I ever uploaded to my blog, re-post it to show you all, and remember the moment. What's funny is that I posted this before I read her post, and picture #6 just so happens to be this first picture!

(Ice Skating with my sister on her birthday)


(We got married on a gorgeous day and the blossoms and tulips were out)

Pregnant with Allie:

(This is when I was morning sick.  We went up the AF canyon to get some fresh air and to do some fishing.)

Best Day Ever:

(Allie's birth was so amazing...and probably the easiest birth ever. I loved being at the hospital.)

We're a little family!

(Valentine's Day 2009)

Now, for the Picture #6 game...I would like to tag:

Jax @ Aly & Ash
Morgan @ Meet Virginia
Danielle @ Life on Dahlia Lane
Jill @ The Bird and the Berry
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Recaptured Charm said...

What a good looking family you are! Wonderful pictures. Happy Anniversary!

Danielle said...

Congratulations and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! You two look so great together :) Hope you have wonderful night!

ClassyGal said...

Happy Anniversary! My god, your family is beautiful! Wishing you many more years of happiness.

Shayna @ Texas Monkey said...

Happy anniversary, beautiful pics and beautiful family, our 8th year anniversary was yesterday and I posted about it, would love for you to come check it out. Hope today is as beautiful as the day you got married.

Natalie Smith said...

Fun memories and precious pictures! Cheers to 4 years!!!

Fister Family said...

Congratulations to you and Trey on 4 years! You guys have such a sweet family. I'm glad that you are planning a getaway to the coast this summer - I hope it is relaxing and fun!

DustyLu said...

Beautiful post! Thanks for commenting on my blog so that I can now follow this blog. I noticed you have 2. Gorgeous Family! ~lulu

Tracey @ My House of Giggles said...

Jessica...your family is so so beautiful!! Seriously. You guys should be models or celebs or something ;)
I hope you have a perfect anniversary!! Isn't it so crazy how fast time flies? I cannot believe we're going to be celebrating our 7 years in a couple of weeks!!! wow.

Have a wonderful day!!

Amelia@SavoryandSweet said...

What a beautiful and happy family! Thanks for sharing your pictures and happy anniversary!!

Alicia said...

Happy Anniversary! You have such a wonderful, beautiful family!!!

Adrian said...

Congrats! I hope you have fun plans!

Dreamy Whites said...

I forgot to say Happy Anniversary!
Take Care,

Dreamy Whites said...

You guys are a beautiful family. I think You look like Reese Witherspoon. Thanks for sharing!
I love your header you have for your blog. IS that you two? So sweet.
Take Care,

Em and Ms said...

Happy Anniversary! I enjoyed all the pictures of your beautiful family. Seriously. You guys could all be models.

Morgan//Nuts and Bows said...

Happy Anniversary! Ps you are stinking gorgeous! I loved this post!!


Meet Virginia!
Meet Virginia!
Meet Virginia!

Anonymous said...

Awww - congratulations!! Go and celebrate and have fun.

Between You and Me said...

Happy Anniversary! Wishing you endless wonderful years together....

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! You are a beautiful family

Sherri said...

What a beautiful family. Sweet photos and the wedding one is amazing! Happy Anniversary! May you see many more wonderful years together.

Melissa said...


Jax @ AlyandAsh said...

Yeah I officially can't be your blog friend anymore after seeing how gorgeous you looked after childbirth! jk! Congratulations, you have a beautiful family!

Dear Lillie said...

You have the most gorgeous family! I love your wedding photo!

Mc Allen said...

wow, these were seriously beautiful. You were a gorgeous bride! Love that last pic, so precious!! xoxo LA

Allison @ House of Hepworths said...

Thanks for linking up to my blog roll!! Sorry it's taken me so long to stop by and say thanks. Busy busy!

You are beautiful and your family is beautiful.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Gorgeous family...so glad to find your blog..

Be sure and stop by main blog and read about a miracle.

Natasha in Oz said...

Happy Anniversary! I love the gorgeous pictures-what a beautiful family!

Best wishes,

Deborah Raymond said...

You are so beautiful...and a darling family!

The Harkers said...

Congrats! What a cute family you have! :)

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! I love all of your photos, you have such a beautiful family.

The Single Nester said...

You make a gorgeously beautiful family!

Justine said...

Beautiful family! :)

Just Better Together