Here is the article on memory cards:
If you don't want to read it, I will go over the main points:
1. Sandisk & Lexar are not the same and Sandisk will work better with some Nikons. Do your research before buying a memory card.
2. The thing you need high-performance memory cards for most is shooting in RAW.
3. NEVER "erase all images" on your card. ALWAYS "format" it.
4. NEVER erase the images on your card using your computer.
5. Treat your memory cards gently- they break easily.
6. High-capacity memory cards use a TINY bit more battery life. Its totally worth it if you need it for shooting RAW though. :)
7. Both Lexar and Sandisk professional cards come with a free program to help you recover the images if you accidentally delete them.
8. Lexar will actually let you send the card to them at no charge to recover deleted pictures.
Okay, so that is enough about memory cards...
The second topic that I have been thinking about lately is how to get good pictures of children. I am not really that great with kids, so family sessions are always the most work for me. I really loved this photographer's tips and tricks on how to get real smiles and expressions from kids. Go read it if you are needing help in that area like I am- it is simple and short and really helpful.
Just curious, how many of you are interested in photography and would like more posts on that?
Love these tips and tricks!! Thanks for posting!!
I LOVE suggestions on better photography.
Love it Jess! You really are amazing!
Oh gosh, I didn't know all this about my memory card - thank you, thank you! I will go read your link as I'm curious as to why you format and not erase hmm...
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