Jul 1, 2010

Favorite Things Friday and Spray Tan Winner!

Welcome to another Favorite Things Friday!  I hope everyone had a wonderful week and has fun plans for the holiday weekend!  We had some awesome posts last week, as usual :)

Here are a few:

Mandy shows us how to make this SUPER cute necklace at Mandy's Yellow Corner.

Sarah at For the Love threw an amazing party for her 1 year-old son.  

Rachelle from Fingerprints on the Fridge shares her beautiful bedroom makeover.

Laura at Just For Love shows us some personalized onesies she made.  They are super cute.

Sharon @ Elizabeth and Co. shared some awesome front doors in a Federal Hill neighborhood in Baltimore.  Now I want to go there!

Michelle @ Sweet Something Designs showed us how she updated some baskets and made them really fun and colorful.

And now for the winner of the Bronzed Envy Spray Tan Giveaway...

Brought to you by random number generator...

 Comment #18 Elizabeth!

...what's up with all these Elizabeths winning my giveaways?  :)

I will be e-mailing you soon to get your information.

Go enter the lilsteinstyles giveaway if you haven't already, and thanks for sharing your favorite things with us!

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Diann said...

Congrats to the winner!

Michelle @ Sweet Something Design said...

Thanks for including me with these great projects Jessica!

Yellow House said...

I loved that little birthday party too!

Unknown said...

Aww I'm honored that you featured me this week! Thank you so much. I'm off to go grab a button!

Mandy England said...

Thanks so much Jessica! I am so happy to be included in your lovely picks! :]

The Blackwood Cottage said...

Love the random number generator! Too cool. Thanks for hosting such fave things!

Morgan//Nuts and Bows said...

Thanks so much for hosting every week Jess!! You're the best!


Meet Virginia!
Meet Virginia!!
Meet Virginia!!!

Leanne said...

That birthday party looks so fun. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.

Amanda said...

Thank you for hosting! Hope you don't mind I entered 3 this week, I just got them all posted! :) Happy 4th!

a little bit of everything said...

I am having a problem posting to the linky. Getting error 404...here's my entries:
HANDKNITS FOR BABY http://robertapm28.blogspot.com/2010/07/needlework-multicolor-baby-sweater-set.html


Amanda @ Healthy House on the Block said...

Thank you so much for hosting! I can't wait to go visit all the other wonderful projects!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for hosting another party. There are already some super fun projects posted.


Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Thanks for hosting the party, Jessica.

Come on by the cottage and link up to one, or all three, of my linky parties. Get the details here:

Hope to see you there!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

Sarah Larsen said...

I'm so excited to be featured!! You're the sweetest!

Julie said...

I love this idea. Such cute things. So glad I found your blog!! I'd love to join one of these Fridays!!

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Oh Jessica, thanks so much for being invited to the party! My first feature, I'm so excited to add your button to my blog. Wouldn't you just love a sneak peek behind that lovely blue door in Federal Hill? So happy to have discovered your wonderful blog!