Jul 21, 2010

What I Wore Wednesday

I just want to say first off that doing these posts is a little intimidating...I really don't have much style and really struggle when putting outfits together and accessorizing.  

This has been a good way for me to do something that scares me and has forced me to actually get dressed every day and even wear jewelry!  It seems like such a task at the time, but I always feel much more put-together and confident when I do!  

Thanks for all your sweet comments - even when I know there has to be a lot of "constructive criticism" that a lot of you are holding back sharing :)  You are helping me be more open-minded and artistic with my style and maybe one day I will know what my style actually is!

Allie's doctor's appointment, errands:

Black shorts - Banana Republic Outlet...7 years ago :)
Shirt - Thrifted $2 (thanks mom!)
Silver hoop earrings - Diamond Shark online $2
Silver nail polish - Bon bons (my fave)
Ring - gift from my sister

Playing with Allie outside, working on some projects, and organizing my closet:

Racerback tank - Target $8 (thanks again mom!)
Undershirt - Shade
Jean shorts - cutoff gap jeans

Shopping with Trey and Allie (Read about that at the bottom of my post)
Iceberg for blueberry milkshakes later

Shirt - Guess
White tank - Shade
Capris - Target (yes I know they are very wrinkled!)
Feather earrings - Charlotte Russe $4
Shell Bracelet - Cozy Clothes

Church on Sunday:

Shirt - Thrifted $2 (it looks brand new too!)
Brown lace tank - Downeast Basics $5
Skirt - Banana Republic Outlet - $30 about 7 years ago...
Shoes - Target

Grocery shopping, stopping by Trey's office for lunch, and editing pictures:

Shirt - Thrifted and adjusted (taken in on bottom, sides, and neck)
Shorts - Lucky $30 w/ gift card (otherwise I wouldn't have paid that much)
Earrings - just made...may be selling a few pairs on etsy soon...

For those who care, this last Saturday I FINALLY convinced Trey to go shopping with me and get some clothes.  He hasn't bought clothing for himself in 4 1/2 years!  Not just because he hates shopping, but also because he is SO picky. No one even tries to buy him clothes.  I stopped trying after the first year of marriage because I got tired of having to return everything :(

So, we went to Old Navy.  He bought exactly one button-up collared tee and one pair of cargo shorts...its a start.  He thinks he is done for another couple of years. :)

I posted this here:

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Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

I think you have great style! And you're so beautiful that everything looks wonderful on you. Keep it up, girl.

M.O.T.B said...

The bronze shoes from Target...make me incredibly sad. I had them but I wore them completely out. They are the shoes I miss the most. Great outfits.

Natalie Smith said...

I LOVE that shirt for Sunday! What a great find! Super cute...

Kate said...

You look great! You have the perfect mix of a casual, elegant, fun style!

Crystal Spencer said...

I have some criticism... You look WAY too hot for church. :) If you want to test your readers and their sincerity, wear something really ugly and see if anyone says anything. I think it would be a great experiment!

Crystal Spencer said...

Oh and I especially love the target tank.

Vanessa said...

All the outfits are sweet and cute, I like the "church outfit" since it's the closest thing to what I'd wear...to work. Which I do every day forever :D .. :(

Lynette @ My Craft Discovery said...

I love them! I love the target tank, and I love your blog! I will be definitely be coming back often.

Morgan//Nuts and Bows said...

Whatever you totally have style! I love your posts!


Check out Meet Virginia's Wonderfully Wordy Vinyl Giveaway HERE!!

Meet Virginia!

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone, you have style!! I love reading your WIWW, you always look gorgeous and no i'm not holding any constructive criticism back ;) Your just cute the end!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, you are just SOOOO cute!! Your sense of style is adorable too!

Your hubby must be so proud when he takes his 2 pretty girlies out : )

Love the little purple tank from Target. Good job, mom!

Lots of love,

Julie S said...

The church outfit is my favorite, its so pretty...and I looooove those shoes! Great thrifted finds. And don't worry about not feeling like you have a style. Mine changes everyday & Im ok with that but I do agree that I feel more confident when I take the time to put outfits together.

Brittany said...

Just wanted to say i LOVE that white shirt you wore to church!! It's so pretty. I might have to refashion one of my shirts to look like that. :)

Miami Glamour said...

Hey ...great blog

I really like this blog its very interesting

you can check out mine too and you can leave your comments there...


thank you...

Justine said...

Your outfits are cute. I am also doing WIWW for me. It really makes me think and sometimes I feel like I rather throw on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans and run out the door.

Maybe your husband will like Express Men? They always have some type of coupon online.

Anonymous said...

I love your outfits! Perhaps if I find any time I'll take part in "What I wore Wednesday".
If you want to go shopping with a guy you could take my boyfriend ;-) He's a huge shopper and has loads of clothes... We're moving into an apartment together this summer and we're not sure where to put ALL of our clothes ;-)

Ellen said...

The outfits all look great, but I especially like Sunday's. Good job. :)

Mommy Moxie said...

Love that lace tank top under your shirt on Sunday! I love the layered look-for a second, I thought it was a belt.

Great outfits!

Nina @ Momma Go Round said...

Um, you could come style me any day! That, and I wish I fit into my clothes from 7 years ago! You go girl!

Anonymous said...

Aw, that's so funny about your hubby! Cute outfits! Thanks for sharing! I love your hair :)



Star @ A Load Of Craft said...

Ow-ow! You're Sunday pics are GORGEOUS! This is a fun post that you do :D

Molly Marisa said...

I'm thinking about doing this. I have work clothes though so it's far less fun I'm thinking. Are you linked up with a WIWW group? I always follow Pleated Poppy and check out what people where that link up with her...they are always so cute and casual!! :)