Mar 18, 2010

Favorite Things Friday #1!!!

 Hello Everyone!  Thanks for stopping by today and participating in my Favorite Things Friday Party!! I have been very excited about this, and have been a little worried, I'm not going to lie.  However, even if only one or two people link up today, I will still keep it up and hopefully we'll keep our group growing.  

I thought I would share one of my favorite things, and something that is very fitting for the first Mclinky party.  Sorry there will be no pictures, so my post is a little boring...

One of my favorite things lately has been BLOGGING

There are so many reasons I love to blog.  First off, I just have to say that I don't like using the word blog or blogging.  I think it is just as bad as twitter or tweeting...

I first started blogging to share with my family a little scrapbook/journal so they could see family pictures and know what we were up to.  If you look back on the first posts on my blog you will probably laugh because you can tell I didn't know ANYTHING about blogger and didn't really love doing it. 

After a while, and after reading other blogs, I decided to write about the things that I wanted to.  I wanted to change my url and title...The Hills Are Alive was taken, so that's where thehillsarelivin came in, and I decided to go with the Sound of Music theme...hence A Few of My Favorite Things.  I love to share with others my favorite things in life, and sometimes just the thoughts going through my head.  I really like to see what makes people happy; what makes them tick, and I thought that by starting this blog hop I could better understand the people that I am associated with through blogging.

So, here are the main reasons I LOVE BLOGGING:

1. It gives me a place to organize my thoughts
2. It allows me to re-establish old friendships and establish new friendships without even having to put on makeup, get dressed, or leave the house!
3. It has been a discovery of things I never even knew I loved:
       Fashion (You mean t-shirts and jeans aren't stylish?)
       Interior design
       Crafting & Sewing (I know Mom, right?  I'll bet you never saw that day coming...)
      "Thrifting" (yes that is a verb in blogworld)
4. It has been a source if inspiration and helped me think more creatively (especially in photography & interior design)
5. It has boosted my self-confidence level - I am shy, I write my feelings and other personal things, people give me nice comments, I find it easier to open up to others
6. It has improved my photography skills by 300% (photography blogs, ideas from inspirational images, etc.)

I know I could think of more reasons, but you get the point and I am going on WAY too long.  

So, without further ado, please share with us what some of your favorite things are!  The possibilities for this really are endless...

Make sure you link to the post, rather than just your blog (unless your entire blog is about all of your favorite things :) 

Try to check out some of the other links if you get the chance and share some comments.

Please take my button and get your friends out to join in!  

Thanks so much and have fun with it!

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Kathryn said...

thanks for commenting on my blog :)

your daughter is adorable and your pictures rock! looking forward to reading you everyday!

Julianna said...

Thanks for inviting me to the party and stopping by! I love blogging too! I'm a little bit addicted! I especially love finding new blogs and new ideas! Since I just started sewing I'm always amazed at what others can create!

Tracey @ My House of Giggles said...

Hi Jessica! Thanks so much for stopping by my little blog! I'm so glad you did, because now I've found yours! I joined in on your linky party! Thanks so much!! have the most beautiful family I have ever ever seen. You guys are just stunning :)

Take care,

* The Design Confidential said...

Thanks for the invite to you Fav things Friday Party! Your button is adorable and I will place it on my blog with pride! I hope you will join me in cataloging all of your tutorials in my PROJECT: LIBRARY. Submission is for anyone and everyone, anytime...and can be done via Email..see you soon!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and inviting me over to your linky party! I joined the party and you're linked within my post!

I love your photos and I agree with Tracey's comment above ... you are a beautiful family!!!

TOTEally Posh! said...

I'm so glad you stopped by my blog and commented because it led me to your wonderful blog! Thank you so much for inviting me over. I love the idea of your Favorite Things Friday. I'd love to participate!

L~ said...

Hi Jess!

I'm in! Let's party! :)


Tailored Trash Queen said...

Thanks so much for inviting me to the party!!!! These are so fun and I'm loving checking out your blog!

Victoria said...

Hi Jessica! I linked up to your party but I got all confused when I saw your URL so when I linked back to you on my blog, I put your blog title as the hills are I'm thinking that's wrong! I checked a couple of others here to see what they had put but they hadn't linked back to you so please let me know if I got your blog name wrong and I will change it asap!!!!!!

Victoria said...

Me again...never mind! I see that the title of your blog is right up there on your header so I changed it...blogging and wine drinking makes me goofy:)

Shannon said...

Thanks Jessica! I am so glad you stopped by. I have linked up, so let's get this party started! Okay, is that a bit too 90's? Anyway, thanks for hosting the party. Just to let you know, I'll be selling similar name plaques on etsy very soon. Check back soon!

Molly said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and letting me know about the party! I joined the party!

I am just really getting into blogging and enjoying making friends. Can't wait to learn more you and your life!

Jess said...

Thank you all for coming! This is fun!!

Courtney said...

Thanks for inviting me to the party! Cute blog, am I missing the "follow" box, or do you only have RSS feed? I would like to follow and read every day! Have a great day,

Courtney @ Red Heads Craft More Fun

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. :) Added you to my blog list.:)

Holly Lefevre said...

Thanks for stopping by and letting me know about your party. I am linking up! Your blog is lovely!
504 Main

Shelli said...

Thanks for stopping by and inviting me to join in the party! Beautiful photos you have!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! And leaving a comment! I love blogging, too--reading them as much as writing. Thanks for doing this link. I love to mingle and visit!

Jen said...

It looks like your party is a huge success. Your husband and daughter and you are all so beautiful. You look like the pictures that come with the picture frames.

Leanne said...

Thanks for stopping by and inviting me to your party. I can't wait to check out all the posts. Awesome turn out for your first party. Way to go girl.

Stephenie from Decorating Addiction said...

Thanks so much for hosting this party and for inviting me! I am excited to be a part of it, because, like you, I am totally hooked on blogging! LOVE IT!. Now I just have to figure out how to design my blog better! BTW - looks like you're doing well with your first party!

Stephenie from Decorating Addiction said...

Thanks so much for hosting this party and for inviting me! I am excited to be a part of it, because, like you, I am totally hooked on blogging! LOVE IT!. Now I just have to figure out how to design my blog better! BTW - looks like you're doing well with your first party!

Lyndsy @ L Kae Interiors said...

Thanks for Inviting me Jess! I always enjoy a good party ;)

julielollar said...

Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog and for inviting me to your party! I love your blog! I'm really new at it so I'm sure that I have lots of rowing to do!
The Wanna Be Super Mom

Unknown said...

Thanks for the tip to come to the par-tay! Your blog is so fab!

Andrea on Third Street said...

Thanks for the invite, Jessica. And for the lovely comments on our blog. Looks like a hopping party so far!!

Katie @ BurbTales said...

Thanks for inviting me over! I'm tickled to find your blog - and all I can say to your post today is...."amen!" I love blogging for all those same reasons and I think blog is a weird word too. :)

Petunia said...

Hi Jessica! Thanks for stopping by and inviting me to your party. I can't wait to see everyone's things. Your photos are beautifu!

Jen Sue Wild said...

Thaqnks for the inviting me to your party..
Cute blog BTW

iheartsunnydays said...

Thanks for the invite and your kind words. I'm also shy but addicted to blogging! I'm McLinky #81, so your first party has been a knockout! Congrats - look forward to the next one!

anythinggoeshere said...

i did come by and link up as you see. I had seen the notice of your new link party somewhere but had forgotten so thanks for coming by and reminding me. xo Joan@anythinggoeshere

CC said...

Hi Jessica..
Thank you for your visit and for inviting me to join your party. I would love to!!! I know it's too late for me to join in this Friday, but I can take your button,sign up to be a follower and visit some of the participants. I think this is a wonderful idea..and thanks so much for inviting me..

Shayna @ Texas Monkey said...

Thanks for stopping by and inviting me to join in on this linky fun, I've added my link and looking around the others as well as your blog, feel free to stop by anytime, I'm now following and will be back soon. :)

Megan @ Meanwhile... said...

Thanks for the invite, you and your blog are just adorable. I can tell I'm going to enjoy reading here. :)

Laura said...

Yay I'm the 100th link! Thanks for hosting today.

Cami said...

Thanks for the invite. Looks like your linky party was pretty successful! You are adorable! So are your pictures.
From a Utah friend, Cami

Michell @ Girl In Air said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and inviting me to the party!!! HOW FUN!! I LOVE your blog:) I just started blogging in Jan..and I think I'm the only blog out there that has a different URL and title..
Thoughts and Ideas

I had no idea what I was doing when I first started and now I don't know if I can change my URL without losing all my followers and work:)
Well off the read all these other blogs
Thank you

Kitschalicious said...

Thanks for the invite! I'm so glad to be part of the party!

Danielle said...

Great turnout on your first party! I'm so excited for you :)

Diane @ InMyOwnStyle said...

Hi Jessica - Thanks for stopping by my blog and inviting me to your link party. I think you have a success on your hands- you had nothing to be worried about. Blogging is a lot of fun, I am enjoying it, too.

Anonymous said...

Just linked up my ugly disco vase transformation. Thank you for the invite and the comment love. :)
I'm a new follower!

Shelli said...

Jessica, I'm so excited for you that you are going to the coast! Oregon is simply magical. We all want to go back again this summer! You will LOVE it if you go. And thank you soooo much for voting at Brian Regan! That was awesome of you! You are a sweetheart. It's so nice to "meet" you!! :)

Holly Lefevre said...

Thanks for stopping by Hip Weddings today. You got a huge number of links...congrats. I am following now...just realized I didn't do that yesterday!

504 Main

MessyMissy said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and the invite. I am loving your blog!!!!

TOTEally Posh! said...

Wow! Look how many people you attracted! Way to go!

Sausha @ {Sweet Pickins} said...

thanks for visiting my blog and hosting the party - i love seeing everyones ideas!!

Sausha @ {show & tell}

Vanessa said...

I was too late to join the party! Maybe next week! Thanks for the invite!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Hello Jessica! Thanks for stopping by my blog and the party invite! I was a little too late to link up this week as the linky is closed. I started to follow though and will keep a look out for your future parties! Hope you are enjoying your weekend! Happy Spring!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Hi Jessica - Thanks for the invite, look slike I was a little too late to join in the fun this week! I became a follower...hopefully I can catch up next week! Happy Spring!

Yolanda said...

Wow! You had a great party.