Jun 7, 2011

Fall Plans

I may need to go see this movie this Fall when I am VERY pregnant and need a fun movie to see.

Or this one:

Okay, so which of my girlfriends are going with me, because I am NOT going to these with my husband :)

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jillian :: cornflake dreams. said...

SO excited about zooey's new show! xoxo jillian:: enter in TWO GIVEAWAYS over at cornflake dreams

mel said...

ooh! pick me! pick me! seriously...

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness gracious! The New Girl looks HILARIOUS! I absolutely love her! :D And as for Breaking Dawn, you know I'll be there! I'm not sure I will be able to wait that long though!

Ceci and Steven said...

so is the new girl a movie or a tv show? either way...it looks funny and I love zoey whatever her last name is, she's cute. we should plan a cousin's day out with the rest of the girls and go out to a movie this fall ")

Jess said...

Let's do that Ceci!

Anonymous said...

I am super excited about both of these. I totally love the Deschanel sisters! Bones is my favorite show, and Zooey is so quirky and hilarious anything she does is great. I'm still on the fence about whether I like Kristen Stewart, but my indecisiveness about that won't keep me from seeing the movie. I am equally excited about both! :D

Decorating Ideas said...

Gorgeous and unique jewelry!

Joanna Ducommun said...

I am so excited for Breaking Dawn, no matter how pathetic that makes me!