Jun 17, 2010

Favorite Things Friday!

Hello there friends!  If you haven't already heard of my Summer Photo Deal, go check it out.  Also, be sure to enter the Frog Tape Giveaway on my friend Jill's blog, The Bird and the Berry.

We had some pretty fun posts last week.  Here are a few:

Cathryn from The Farmer's Trophy Wife shared an outfit that she adores...I have to say I TOTALLY do too!  It is from this site.

Adorkable Annie has the CUTEST blog and I don't know why I didn't find it sooner!  She linked such a great post on her new obsession: vintage bicycles.

Katie from Food, Wine, and Mod Podge shared how to make this really cute felt flower.  Her tutorial is really great and easy to follow!

Ann from All Things Paint and Plasters shared a few of her favorites: Coral Charms (Peonies) and Chocolate:

Faith from Simplicity shared some of her favorite things right now.

Kristine from The Painted Hive has decorated her house so beautifully.  She shared an amazing transformation of a telephone table to a bench seat.

Amanda from Kuzak's Closet (who just started a new Sunday Link Party) shared some of her favorite short hair cuts.  Again, tempting me to chop mine off...

What Happens at Naptime shared a recipe for Chicken and Cheese Enchiladas that looked really good.  I am going to have to try these...

And last but not least, Splenderosa shared some of her favorite things, you should check out the rest of her blog too - some gorgeous images and really fun posts.

Thanks to everyone who participated last week!  I love that I find such awesome blogs through the link party.  It has been really fun.

Be sure to stop by my blog next Wednesday  - I will be hosting a summer giveaway you won't want to miss!
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Cap Creations said...

Thanks so much for hosting this link party!

Renée said...

All awesome features...I've still been thinking about your shade-T remake and how cute that was. Thanks so much!

OneCraftyFox said...

Love these finds, especially the outfit and bicycle! I chopped my hair off a while back and just started growing it out again (it was quite short!). Today I decided to go get it chopped off again, so I did, lol.

Please come join my *Cupcake Challenge*, I promise it will be loads of fun!!

Morgan//Nuts and Bows said...

Thanks so much for hosting every week girl! Can't wait for your giveaway!!


Meet Virginia!
Meet Virginia!!
Meet Virginia!!!

Splenderosa said...

Oh I love that girl in the pic; she makes those flowers & they are gorgeous. And, that hair - the color & cut are FAB. Thank you so much for featuring my blog this week. I'm getting it together for Friday to link back to you. xx's

Katie said...

That short hair cut is sooo cute -- trying to resist the scissors! ;)

Unknown said...

Goodness gracious that Emerson made blog is adorable!! What a cute, talented little thing she is!

Killara girl said...

i adore this link hop...it's the best i've joined :):)

i could really use a new bike...mine was similar to the one pictures, but was stolen recently.

love the hair too...something i need to do very soon!

Natalie Smith said...

Totally trying the enchiladas. They look yummy!

Also, I think you should try something short/sassy for a summer hair do! You can totally pull it off. :)

Anonymous said...

I totally agree the outfit and bike are super cute!

Emily {Frilly Details} said...

Thanks for having this link party!! Can't wait to look at all the fun posts!

Anonymous said...

We love checking out your weekly featured bloggers! Thanks for introducing them. Thanks also for hosting and for having us each week.

Best wishes,
Natasha, Stacey and Holly.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for hosting such a cute party! I'm following to keep up on everyone's faves! :)

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

So many cute ideas! Some are now my favorites, too.

I would love for you to join in on the fun for all three of my linky parties each week:


You can get the details here:


Each party runs for six days, so come on by!

Hope to see you there!
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

Ann said...

Thanks for the mention, Jessica!
Such a generous hostess!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting!

~Lori @ live,laugh,love,create :)

Inspired2cook said...

Happy Friday!

Kristin said...

Thank you for featuring my Enchiladas! I hope you like them. Linking up today with Lemon Blossoms - a Paula Deen recipe. Yes, they are as good as they look!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the feature!! And I agree with the short hair look.....soooo tempting!! Have a great day!!

Elaine said...

I absolutely love that outfit too!

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