Apr 28, 2012

Lightscoop Review

You may remember the Lightscoop Review I did a couple years ago...Well, now they have come out with a new and improved model of the Lightscoop.  Introducing the Lightscoop Deluxe:

 Instead of rambling on about what it does how about I just show you? 

I had to get a good picture of my brother's shiner...long story, but I took these indoors with a combination of tungsten light and outdoor light coming in:

With Lightscoop

With a direct flash and without Lightscoop

Without any flash (natural light and tungsten)

As you can see, the first one looks the best with a flattering and softer flash from the Lightscoop.  I also need to mention that these were taken in my house with vaulted ceilings- so it even works in that situation.

I have been impressed with both Lightscoops I have tried out- they are great for indoor pictures with mixed light sources (which is the lighting condition most of us moms are taking pictures in!)

You can purchase at Lightscoop and can see more about them on their facebook page too.

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