Apr 8, 2012


Let me introduce you to Firmoo.  They are an online glasses company that has a huge selection to choose from and can customize everything to fit your needs. 

They kinda made me wish I needed glasses...just a little :)

Since I don't need prescription glasses, I chose these sunglasses to review:

To be honest, I was a little disappointed that they were quite a bit larger than the picture showed on the page.  But, luckily I like big sunglasses and when I put them on they were very comfortable. 

They look less red in person- not sure why this pic turned out reddish.

However, I did like using the Firmoo site, all their styles, and that you are able to customize the glasses (even sunglasses can be polarized or UV protection can be added to the lenses.)

BUT, the coolest thing about Firmoo right now is their First Pair Free program.

They would like everyone to try their glasses, so they are offering a free pair- all you have to do is pay shipping!  Pretty cool- go check it out if you are in need of some eyeglasses!

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