Apr 12, 2010

How to Make a Button for Your Blog

I have to admit, I am no pro when it comes to HTML code.  I am a beginner that needs the simplest of explanations and I have had to search multiple websites and their explanations to get one thing done.  I thought, why not share what I have learned with everyone who is in the same place as I am so they don't have to?

So, here it goes, to put a button on your blog you first want to create it in a program like Photoshop.  I used photos I had taken as backgrounds and graphics on my buttons, then just added text on top. (If you do not have a program like this go to this tutorial to learn how to make one.)

Once you save your button as a JPEG file, you want to post it somewhere online so you can have a web address assigned to it.  I just posted the JPEG file of my button on a post on my blog.

To find the web address of your button, all you have to do is right click on the picture and go to "View Image Info"

So, now that you know where the web address of your button is, here is how to put it on your blog:

Copy and Paste into HTML/Java Script Gadget under Edit Layout:

<center><a href="URL address you're Linking to"><img src="URL address of your uploaded image"/></a></center>

The URL address you are linking to is your blog's address.

And, now you know where to find the URL address of your uploaded image.

I hope that helps at least one person!  I will be posting more tutorials soon on how to make a text box for your button, scrolling box, and even a header for your blog.

I am posting this tutorial here



  1. i do the same as you to figure stuff out like that with some results better than others. Thanks for making this one easy-peasy.

  2. I learnt how to do this a few weeks ago!! So easy to do - thought you might like to know my post has a link to a free program to use for those that don't have Photoshop (or for people like me that hasn't had a chance to figure it out yet!!) http://iheartsunnydays.blogspot.com/2010/03/what-i-learnt-today.html

  3. yes, yes, yes...this helps me. blogs are all like "add my button" and i'm all like "then tell me how. slowly and in great detail!"

  4. Thank you for this. I am going to have to try this. Without crashing my laptop that is.

  5. Oh you are the best! I sat down at the computer tonight with the very intention of figuring out how to make a button! THANK YOU!

  6. This is great! Thanks for the great tutorial girl!!

    Check out my new


    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!

  7. What a great tutorial!

    I would love it if you joined my "Saturday is Crafty Day" party on April 24th! Stop by my blog for details.

  8. Thanks so much Jessica. I got it on, now I just need to make a better one. I'll worry about that later this week, but thanks again. I hope you can join in tomorrow. I need all the party goes I can get.

  9. Thanks Jessica! I know nothing about any of this stuff so thanks for sharing!

  10. Thanks for this great post! I've been learning through searches, too. It's nice to have an easy step-by-step to follow! And thanks for visiting my blog...you're so sweet;)

  11. Thanks so very much! This is a great tutorial! I hopped over from "A Soft Place to Land" and I am so happy that I did! Please accept my invitation to drop in at my place one day this week when you get a moment. I have become a follower and would be honored if you choose to do the same!

  12. Awesome! Thank you sooo much. Creating a button for my blog was on my to do list though I was dreading having to shift through all the complex HTML posts until I found one for simpletons! Thanks again.

  13. I absolutely love your blog. I will soon use your "tip" on a button... Can't wait!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog, it means alot to have crafty and creative gals or guys, for that matter, comment on my posts!

    Keep crafting -Kimberly

  14. You are so kind to post this! Now...I am embarrassed to say this but I do not have photoshop. Is there another way to do this? As you can tell, I am 'technology' challenged.

    Thanks in advance!

  15. Thanks for posting this at my party!! So many ppl out there want to make buttons but are intimidated by it, you made it simple!

  16. Hello Jessica,

    I do know what you mean...everything I do is self taught and I love playing with the html code on one of my blogs that no one ever sees. I experiment over there then I apply it to my main blog.

    Thanks for the info...it's basic and it's such a BIG help to those that are just starting out...and hey, we never stop learning, right! I know I don't. ♥

    I'm visiting today for Three or More Tuesday..I'd love to have come over for a visit when you have a moment. I love playing in the graphics programs..I've designed my header and my topic separator elements....and a bunch of buttons! It's kind of addictive once you get going. ♥

    Have a wonderful day...

    Stephanie ♥

  17. Hi Jessica! Thank you for stopping by my link party and shared such an useful tutorial!

  18. Thank you so much for making posting this info. I just started blogging less than a week ago and I seriously did not even know what a button was! Thanks again!!

  19. I can't wait to try this... I was wondering how to do it! Thanks:-)

  20. Oh- the big scary world of HTML. I have learned a lot and still have a lot to learn! Your tutorial is very well done and easy to follow! Great job! :) Love the button too!

  21. Great tutorial! I'm going to tweet it :)

  22. Great tutorial! I'm going to tweet it :)

  23. Thanks! I'm going to give this a try now!

  24. Hi Jessica! Someone was very nice to make mine for me, but I always appreciate when someone shows me HOW it's done too!... So, thank you so much! ~tina

  25. Thank you! That was the simplest how to for a blog button ever!

  26. THANKS! I've been thinking about figuring out the button thingy! YOU rock! New follower too!

  27. I just posted about this on my blog. Thank you!


  28. Thank you I will come back to this and make a button! Does it work in Picasa???

  29. You make it look so easy! I know this will help a lot of bloggers out there!

    Thanks for linking up to Make it Yours Day! Have a great weekend!

  30. I am new at this too and have learned mostly by trial and error, mostly error. I tried for hours, then days to put a grab button on my blog, when I got the picture, I didn't get the text and vice versa. I finally paid someone on Etsy $5.00 to add it. I just couldn't take anymore stress over it. It was a small price to pay to get it on there. Since I did, on Wed., I have had 4 people follow.

  31. Great Information! Thanks for posting and making it very easy!

  32. Hi, I was reading your blog & some people don't have PhotoShop. There are other excellent free places to create!
    Windows Photo Story 3, you can download from microsoft.com; and PIcasa 3 from Google is also free & easy to use...here's the intro video from Picasa on YouTube if someone isn't familiar with it:

    You can save your money and still do what you want to do.

  33. This is awesome! I needed this a few weeks ago when I made mine :) I was going in blind ;)

    Thanks for the great tips....

  34. Thank you! I did it and linked back to you! It would have taken me less time if I had the URL for my pic correct!

  35. You are amazing! Thank you so much for doing this! I do have a question though. I uploaded my picture to my flickr page and I right clicked but there wasn't a choice for "view image info". Hmm...any thoughts?
