Apr 18, 2010

Giveaway Galore

One of the cool things about blogging a lot is being able to enter lots of giveaways. 

I have been pretty lucky the last few months...  I won 2 pretty headbands in the same week 2 weeks ago.  The funny thing is I won them on different days, and they both arrived in the mail at the same time!  What are the chances?

This first one is from Aly & Ash
And this second one is from Hello Marzipan

Yeah, I totally photo-shopped myself...my skin wasn't looking too hot in this picture :)

Last week I won this gorgeous butterfly necklace and I can't wait to get it in the mail!!!:

I am going to wear it with EVERYTHING.

I just HAD to post about it because the creator of this necklace has an etsy shop called Earrings Nation full of beautiful pieces.  Here are just a few examples:

This owl is much bigger and longer than the rest of these necklaces, but very cool.

This "My Love Diary" necklace is much smaller than the rest of these.

Aren't they all SO pretty?  Her prices are VERY reasonable too.  Go check it out if you would like.  These would make great gifts, especially for Mother's Day.

For a chance to win a beautiful necklace on her blog, go here.

For a chance to win a beautiful grab bag from the Gilded Bee (where I got my butterflies) go here.

For some pretty stationary go here

For a beautiful clock or set of glasses go here.

For a beautiful quilt go here

For some tupperware go here

For a baby bjiorn go here

Also, right now my friend Jill over at The Bird and the Berry is having her first giveaway for Citristrip Stripping Gel so head over to her blog and enter before April 17th!

Also, for a chance to win a beautiful clutch go here!

Ahh I just love giveaways, don't you?

P.S. If any of you are interested in doing a giveaway here on my blog I would love to!  Send me an email or leave a comment!


  1. Looks beautiful in your blonde hair Jessica! Thanks for posting!

  2. Oh you're so lucky!! Love the butterfly necklace and the first headband with the lock and green key is absolutely gorgeous!

  3. Oh Arent you just the prettiest mummy!! Love the head bands..super cute..and would love to do a giveaway with you down the track :) x

  4. WOW. Amazing header! :D and the pictures !

    Have a great day! :D <3
    Erica in Singapore!

  5. Wow! You are a very lucky lady! Can you send some of that luck my way? Those headbands are lovely. :)

  6. What great giveaways! Congrats on winning them :) I recently won one that I will post about as soon as my prize arrives.

  7. So happy to have found this treasure of a blog!

  8. I especially like the Eiffel Tower charm. Ahh . . . Paree!

  9. I especially like the Eiffel Tower charm. Ahh . . . Paree!

  10. These necklaces are all so beautiful, as are you! Thanks for sharing the Etsy site...I will definitely check it out!

  11. love that you won....I've entered so many and never won...bummer.

    won't stop me from entering....


  12. Love the owl and the turquoise flower, so pretty.

  13. Dear Jessica,
    Thank you so much for putting a link to my giveaway in your post. You are the sweetest.
    You are gorgeous as well.
    Take Care,

  14. Thanks so much for posting about my quilt! The headband is adorable on you and the jewelry is so cool:)

    xo Sharon
